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Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, detr periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis hinc de cupidis iacta summarum.


real estate investing Tag

Podcasting is one of the most efficient ways to get free education on any subject. Download these podcasts to find out how you can become a more successful real estate investor. Every real estate investor needs to know how to get the most from their new...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96_9LVnNoXI Self-storage properties offer high profit potential with a relatively low overhead compared to other commercial real estate assets. Investors should understand how the self-storage industry works, though. A small to mid-size self-storage business can be nearly self-sustaining, with only part-time management. Since tenants are not...

https://youtu.be/EG9-diKFotA In terms of your real estate business, the number of deals you make and your sales are good measures for your success. You should be able to get more deals done in less time so you aren't resorting to shady deals or shortcuts. It's a...